2050 Metropolitan
Transportation Plan Update

We're glad you're here!
The purpose of this project is to examine all modes of transportation within and around the Lakeway region, recommending a strategic regional transportation investment strategy over the next 25+ years.
How do we define Regional Transportation? The system of mobility involving roads, buses/transit, sidewalks, accommodations for bicycles and pedestrians, and freight movement (rail, waterway, or air). All forms of travel are included as part of this long-range planning update.
This project webpage serves as a valuable conduit between you (residents and neighbors) and the project team. We are mobility planners and engineers looking for strategies to continually grow and efficiently move around the Lakeway region.
Get Involved!
We look forward to your participation as you help us plan the region’s future transportation network.
Sign up now using the link below to make sure you stay in the loop about the MTP.